„Staying in Dialogue with China“
9. Juni 2023, 9:00 bis 9:45
| KostenlosIn our fifth conversation of the „Staying in Dialogue with China“ webinar series, Markus HERRMANN, Co-Founder and Managing Director, China Macro Group (CMG); (Advisory) Board Member stars, Zurich, will be talking to JIA Qingguo, Member, Standing Committee of the 11th National Committee of the CPPCC (2008-2013); Member, Standing Committee of the Central Committee of China Democratic League; Former Dean, School of International Studies, Peking University, Beijing, China..
Under Deng Xiaoping, Beijing adhered to the maxim to “hide your strength and bide your time” in foreign affairs, seeking to ensure an international environment conducive to its own development with less active involvement in global politics. First in 2016 in a study session and then in 2018 in a foreign affairs working meeting, Xi laid out his new direction for China’s role in global affairs to “lead the reform of global governance” (引领全球治理体系改革). Reflective of this growing sense of global responsibility and clout, China has been (co-)driving a number of initiatives to reshape the existing US-led international order towards a world order conceived of as a “community with a shared future for mankind” (人类命运共同体), among them the BRICS, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), or the latest three initiatives of the Global Development Initiative (GDI), the Global Security Initiative (GSI), and the Global Civilization Initiative (GSI).
How does Beijing understand the current world order and multipolarity? What roles and options are there for China in a world where it sees a “rising East and a declining West”? How, and with whom does it intend to reshape post-1945 institutions? And what could this mean for global cooperation and economic globalization? Beyond the key global trading blocs, how does China look at ASEAN, the Middle East, India or Africa?